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Codest International was awarded the contract for the construction in Dushanbe (the capital of Tajikistan) of the Ismaili Centre, a complex of a very high socio-cultural relevance, providing educational and worship facilities for the considerable Muslim community of Tajikistan.
The project is financed by the Aga Khan Foundation, and consists of the construction of a complex divided into four buildings (total area 20.000 m2) connected by a common courtyard and five towers (minarets), fully covered with face brick, decorations and enamelled brick inscriptions based on Central Asia art and cultural tradition. The complex will be surrounded by a garden with 10,000 trees, artificial ponds, small hills and river courses crossed by small bridges.
The interface between industrial technologies and materials used for the building frame, and the handicraft materials used for the finishing, to be carried out by highly qualified local workers, make this project unique and unparalleled.
Construction started in September 2005 and is scheduled for completion in over two years.


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